Soap and detergent can reduce germs on surfaces and decrease risk of infection. If no one with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 is known to have occupied your space, cleaning once a day will usually be enough to remove virus on surfaces and help you maintain a healthy facility.

Disinfecting your facility with US EPA disinfectants, such as those we use at Clean Force Services Group, will kill any remaining germs on surfaces, which will help further reduce the risk of infection. If your facility is a high traffic area or conditions apply that increase your risk of infection, we recommend disinfecting more often. Some conditions include:

  • High transmission of COVID-19 in your community or staff
  • Low vaccination rates in your community or staff
  • Infrequent mask wearing and hand washing
  • Your facility is occupied by those with increased risk for severe illness

If you are aware of anyone who has tested positive in your facility within the last 24 hours you need to clean AND disinfect your facility as soon as possible.

Routine Cleaning

Surfaces that are touched more often are at a higher risk. Clean high-touch areas at least once per day. You may also consider disinfection more frequently as well.

Protect Yourself and Other Staff

Ensure you and your staff wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after cleaning. If soap and water are unavailable, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Some cleaning products can trigger asthma, so make sure you reduce the chance of an asthma attack if you have someone at risk.

Types of Surfaces


Consider putting a wipeable cover on electronics to make disinfecting and cleaning easier. Many alcohol based cleaners are safe for electronics as it dries quickly, but check the label.

Outdoor Areas

Spraying cleaning products in outdoor areas such as sidewalks and ground cover is not necessary. High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as bars, play structures and railings should be cleaned regularly.

Laundry and Clothing

Use the warmest setting for water and wash & dry items completely. If handling dirty laundry and linen from someone who is sick ensure wear gloves and a mask, as well as wash your hands afterward. Clean any laundry baskets with disinfectant.

Other Tips

Develop policies to protect your staff before cleaning and disinfecting. Always use PPE and properly dispose of it when done.

  • Less than 24 hours since the person who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the space, clean and disinfect the space.
  • More than 24 hours since the person who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the space, cleaning is enough. You may choose to also disinfect depending on certain conditions or everyday practices required by your facility.
  • More than 3 days since the person who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the space, no additional cleaning (beyond regular cleaning practices) is needed.

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